ChipEasy for Windows | Download free
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ChipEasy is a utility to get VID\PID information, maximum current consumption, serial number, controller model and other things from a USB device

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For Windows System
Size 913.5KB
Date 30 Aug 2022
Package name
License Freeware
Developer Flashdiskboot

ChipEasy is a utility to obtain and verify VID\PID information from removable USB storage devices connected to the computer ( Flash , SSD ) . And it allows you to see the manufacturer, product name, controller chips of the USB device and view the USB flash memory device and firmware information. Here you can download the latest updated version of ChipEasy for Windows.

ChipEasy is mainly allows to know the controller chips of the USB flash disk device by polling the device driver. It is also possible to create boot disk from USB CDROM and repair usb flash drive.

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